
2013年9月5日—BasedonyourlastcommentIguessing,youaresayingthateitherofvalueisYthentheresultshouldbeYandalsoincaseeitheroneisnull ...,2007年10月23日—HiTom,I'dliketouseadecodestatementthatreturnsmultiplevaluesinsteadofasinglevalue.ThestatementwhereIwillbeusingthis ...,2022年6月1日—Hi,Cananyoneexplainhowbelowstatementisexecuting.Select*fromtableAwhereINVOICE_IDIN(DECODE(:P_INVOICE_ID,NULL,INVOICE_...

decode two values using oracle decode

2013年9月5日 — Based on your last comment I guessing ,you are saying that either of value is Y then the result should be Y and also in case either one is null ...

How can I have a decode statement that returns multiple valu...

2007年10月23日 — Hi Tom, I'd like to use a decode statement that returns multiple values instead of a single value. The statement where I will be using this ...

How can we pass multiple values to the parameter inside ...

2022年6月1日 — Hi, Can any one explain how below statement is executing. Select * from table A where INVOICE_ID IN (DECODE(:P_INVOICE_ID,NULL,INVOICE_ID ...

How to decode for multipe columns with multiple values

2012年11月29日 — Hi, I need to write decode for multipe columns for example decode (col1 in (5,6,7,8) and col >=78, 'A','B') I really appreciate any help.

Multiple Condition in Decode

2004年1月12日 — Hi All, Does anyone know if we can have multiple conditions in decode function or is there any other function to achieve this?

Multiple values in decode Oracle SQL

2018年9月21日 — Multiple values in decode Oracle SQL ... Unfortunately it does not work. I cannot use any other table because it is used in report and Morning, ...

Oracle PLSQL

The DECODE function returns a value that is the same datatype as the first result in the list. If the first result is NULL, then the return value is converted ...

Oracle DECODE Function

The query returns a null value because one does not equal two. SELECT DECODE(1, 2, 'One') FROM dual; ...

Oracle DECODE Function Explained with Examples

2023年6月1日 — As I mentioned above, the Oracle DECODE function is an exception to other functions in how it handles NULL values. It treats a NULL expression ...

selecting multiple values inside decode

2006年3月6日 — I have query as follows, select decode(col1,'X',(select col2,col3 from tab1),'Y',(select col4,col5 from tab2)) from dual

dmidecode。查看 Linux 作業系統下的硬體資訊

dmidecode。查看 Linux 作業系統下的硬體資訊
